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Playoff Schedule available now

Boys 6 and Boys 7/8 games have been moved to Sequoia Middle School for the remainder of the regular season.  Boys 3 now play their games at Redwood Middle School for the remainder of the regular season.  Please review the schedules under the 2024-25 Winter Teams or on your SportsEngine account.

The regular season runs through February 8, with an off week on February 15 for President's Day weekend.  Playoffs will begin on February 22 for our 3rd-8th grade divisions and will continue through the week of February 24 - February 28.  Championship Games are March 1 and All Star games are on March 8.  The playoff schedule is located on the front page of the website.

Thank you!

CYBA Board of Directors 

CYBA would like to thank our 2024-25 Corporate Sponsors

100 Group
360 Sports Services
Advisory Group for Life
Allen Construction
Ameriprise Financial, Legacy Oaks Advisors
Candu Graphics
Candu Graphics
Cappuccino Financial
Casey Patterson DDS, Inc
Ceiling Sport LLC
Community Chevrolet
Community First Mortgage
Cory Kline
Cypress Retail Group
Event of the Season
G3 Group
GBL Systems Corp
Global Immigration Partners
HJ Glove
Hofer & Associates Wealth Mgt
ISU Stanton & Associates
Jennifer Graves-Nagel DDS
LC Engineering Group
Le Herisson
Leks Law, P.C.
Mako Children's Fund
Matthew Lloyd homes
Mike Sheehan Plumbing
MSZ Consulting Inc
Oak Ridge Landworks
PKG Packaging
Precision Components
Proctor, Shyer & Winter LLP
RCI Builders, Inc
Rebecca Ellis Real Estate Group
Ruggieri Real Estate and Loan 
Semicounductor Equipment Corp.
Sherwood Development Company
Stefan Maly Denser
Todd Riccio Real Estate Team
Total Wealth Group
UCLA Health
VYNE Collective Marketing

Team Corporate Sponsorship

ALL TEAMS for the 2024-25 Winter Season will require a sponsor.  The Official Sponsorship is $300 and includes a team plaque.  Teams can self-sponsor for $200.  Additional information will be provided to coaches and Team Parents in the coming weeks. (updated October 2024)    

CYBA (Tax ID:  93-4928877) 

2024-25 Coach Registration

In order to become a coach OR assistant coach at CYBA, we need you to complete this application and go through a background check.

Please click on the green Registration banner below or forward this link to someone who would be a great coach for CYBA!

2024-25 Referee and Official Scorekeeper Registration

If you will be a high school freshman this 2024-25 season, you have an opportunity to begin working as a referee.  As always, those who have surpassed their freshman year are welcome to join our referee team as well.  Thanks for inquiring!

Please click on the green Registration banner below or forward this link to someone who would be a great referee or official scorer for CYBA!

2024-25 CYBA Winter Registration

Early Bird (September 2 - September 15): $250


Late (October 14 - October 18): $340

Your 2024-25 Registration includes 9+ games, uniform, basic picture package, and official 2024-25 CYBA sweatshirt.  We are working on some additional items to be included as well!

Please click on the green Registration banner below or forward this link to someone who would love to play this winter:

The Registration "Conejo Youth Basketball Association" is not currently available.

Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for ways to help out CYBA?  Check out the open positions to see what opportunites exist.

PO BOX 3841, Thousand Oaks, CA 91359 (updated 11/2024)

We want to hear from you!  For questions and comments, please email us at

Paying Registration Fees Offline?

Please make check payable to CYBA and mail to the address above.  Any questions regarding payments, please email us at

Follow us on Facebook

Follow Your Team(s) with this New Mobile App

Board Members Needed

If you are interested in joining the CYBA Board of Directors, please email  We are always looking for excellent people to help with the volunteer leadership of this organization.   


CYBA Board of Directors